Friday, February 17, 2006

ELDERS OF PINE RIDGE: Philomine Blacksmith Lakota and Roselyn Jumping Bull

This program features two amazing grandmas from Pine Ridge: Philomine Blacksmith Lakota and Roselyn Jumping Bull (author of the cake on the photograph baked for the 30th Annual Conmemoration of the "Incident at Oglala"), talking about indigenous identity, traditional Societies, their personal accounts of the infamous incident at Oglala that resulted in the murder of Joseph Stuntz and imprisonment of Leonard Peltier, and the needs of today as the harsh South Dakota winter is already bringing its second blizzard. Part 2 of this show features the end of the interview of Roselyn Jumping Bull and commentary by co-hosts Tanya and Wanbli Watakpe. Wanbli Watakpe is an indigenous warrior with 35 years of action on behalf of the indigenous peoples, commander of the Little California Bunker at Wounded Knee, founder of Northern CA AIM and member of NW AIM with Jim and Steve Robideau and Leonard Peltier. His commentary is focused on indigenous liberation; it is always passionate and often controversial.

Part 1
Part 2


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