Sunday, August 06, 2006

Position of the Tashunka Witko Brigade (TWB) on the Summit of Indigenous Nations

The TWB, as an organization without any recognition from colonial entities, releases the following position on the Summit of Indigenous Nations at Mato Paha, Lakota Nation, August 1-4, 2006.

At a time of massive bloodshed, brutally reminiscent of the colonial period that nearly eliminated the Indigenous Peoples as a culture and totally erased our resistance potential, we see the Summit as a positive step in the direction towards rectifying the language and addressing centuries old crimes against this hemisphere and its populations.

TWB gives acknowledgement to those that attended in the hopes this will ignite a revolution for independence throughout our hemisphere, yet unacknowledged by Indigenous Nations to one another. We also acknowledge indigenous people of Peru and the indigenous Nations of the Mexican Northwest Region of the National Indigenous Congress who made pronouncements in solidarity to this cause.

This pronouncement stands in support of the spirit of this Summit and TWB recognizes as it goes forward, the Treaty of the Indigenous Group emanating from it as a working instrument, not a final solution to the eradication of all supports, systems and infrastructure of colonial invasion and occupation that interferes with the Indigenous Nations, Bands, Communities and Families from pursuing their unquestioned ability to seek knowledge, cleansing and guidance through the use of their lands, sites and ceremonial grounds including burial sites.

TWB also includes the unquestionable right to defend, by force of arms and other security measures, these sites and our People from any violation against them, physically by occupation and other alien forces, groups and entities.

TWB encourages and recommends that we, all Indigenous People and Nations, reject unilaterally all further documents, agreements and treaties, and executive orders that violate the sanctity of Indigenous Peoples’ understanding and all that is intended to be a deceiving instrument aimed to get at the Indigenous Peoples’ resources and human standards of life according to the Indigenous Peoples’ viewpoint.

TWB further stipulates that no alien appointment of Indigenous entities be recognized as the representative of Indigenous interests outside and without the approval of that said Indigenous Nation’s traditional means of decision-making. This includes, any and all Tribal Councils, Bureau of Indian Affairs agencies and agents, and, informers and other such employees, whose job it is to undermine and work to maintain colonial rule and occupation, and exploit the Indigenous People as laborers or exploit their resources.

TWB stands for unification between all Indigenous entities and Nations protected by our collective alliances, based upon Indigenous knowledge and decisions taken from the ancient instructions.

TWB as an Indigenous organization has the inherent right to stand alone as a group in support of our Indigenous sovereignty within traditional acknowledgment and privilege. It does not need recognition from any Indigenous group other than as appropriate courtesy extended to any ally in the manner of Indigenous hospitality and respect.

TWB recognizes also that the style and manner of declaration and acts of rescinding colonial documents using colonial/western methods is only as good as it is accepted by the western occupying entities and that Indigenous Summits must adopt styles and methods that are uniquely and inherently sovereign instruments of the Indigenous Collective.

Tashunka Witko Brigade


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