Ta Shunka Witko Brigade Radio Interview (10 min. 3 sec. includes English original with Spanish translation)
Hazel Hill, of the Wolf Clan of the Mohawk of the Great River Nation tells TWB her first hand account of today’s confrontation with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The OPP launched a raid around 4:30 a.m. EDT this morning to force out Six Nations Clan Mothers, their families, and supporters from continuing to watch over their land to prevent illegal construction by Henco Industries Limited, a US firm.
The police descended on approximately 200 peaceful, unarmed defenders of the land with several large rental vans, their guns drawn, and armed with tear gas and Tasers. Women were roughed up, elders shoved and handcuffed. Nonetheless the people refused to leave and supporters poured in. The women lead a march that forced the police to retreat until they were outside Mohawk land and in the city of Caledonia. Then they erected barricades that kept police vehicles out of their territory. They are asking for continued support and international mediation.
The land that Six Nations people and supporters are being forced to protect from illegal encroachment is on part of the Haldimand tract that was deeded to the Six Nations in 1784 and was never transferred to third parties. Canada has no legal right to dispose of it. The Women Title Holders (Rotinshon’non:we) demand the cessation of the use of force and that Canada act in an honorable way by treating this issue as a Nation to Nation conflict to be resolved in the traditional Rotinshon’non:we process as set out in the Kaianereh’ko:wa.
To listen to this interview go to http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2006/04/9427.php
For more information go to http://intercontinentalcry.mahost.org/unitytalk/p209-Today.html#p209
Or contact: Dick Hill 519-865-7722, 519-445-1351; Hazel 519-717-4292, 519-445-0719; Jacqueline House 905-765-9316;
thebasketcase@on.aibn.com; Jacqueline_house@hotmail.com.
Send or phone messages to stop this attack on the Six Nations people: Premier of Ontario, PHONE: (416) 325-1941, FAX: (416) 325-3745, email: mailto:dalton.mcguinty@premier.gov.on.ca (cc: mkwinter.mpp@liberal.ola.org)ONTARIO RCMP, Headquarters, 130 Dufferin Ave, PO Box 3240 Station B, London, ON N6A 4K3, Telephone: 519-640-7267
Hamilton/Niagara Reg Det, STN Main BOX 487,Hamilton L8N 3H8 (905)572-2401
Kingston Det 1000 Gardiners RD 3RD FLR Kingston K7P 3C4, (613)384-7201
Kitchener Det 17 Executive Place Kitchener N2P 2V3, (519) 896-3542
London Det 451 Talbot ST 8TH FLR London N6A 5C9, (519) 645-4329
Sault Ste Marie Det 22 Bay ST Sault Ste Marie P6A 5S2, (705) 941-7267
Sudbury Det 1310 Sparks ST Sudbury P3A 2C8, (705) 671-0645
Thunder Bay Det 21 Archibald ST N Thunder Bay, P7C 3Y3, (807)623-2791
Toronto East Det 415 Baseline RD W BOX 1500 Bowmanville L1C 4V7, (905)697-6000
Toronto West Det 2755 Highpoint Drive Milton L9T 5E8, (905) 876-9500
Toronto Lester B Pearson Airport Det 255 Atwell DR Etobicoke M9W 7G2, (905) 405-3750
Toronto North Det 345 Harry Walker PKY S Â Â Newmarket L3Y 8P6 (905) 953-7267
Windsor Det 6080 Riverside DR E Windsor N8S 1B6 (519) 948-5287
Henco Industries Ltd., 128 Highland Blvd. Caledonia Ontario. N3W 2P1
Brant County Community Development: Fax (519) 442-3461
City of Brantford: Fax (519) 759-7840
Corporation of Haldimand County: Fax (905) 772-2148
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace; Dalton McGuinty, Premier. Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto ON M7A 1A1, Dalton.McGuinty@premier.gov.on.ca
Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Government of Canada, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa Canada pm@pm.gc.ca
Entrevista en Ingles con traduccion al Español (duracion total 10’ 3’’)
Hazel Hill, del Clan Lobo de la Nacion Mohawk del Great River narra su experiencia durante el ataque de la policia a TWB. La OPP llevo a cabo un asalto a las 4:30 de la madrugada esta mañana para forzar a las matriarcas (quienes en esta Nacion lleavan el titulo de las tierras) y aliados a abandonar sus tierras. Ellas se ven obligadas a proteger las tierras para prevenir su uso ilegal por Henco Industries Limited, una firma estadounidense.
La policia, armas en mano, ataco el pacifico grupo de aproximadamente 200 personas desarmadas con gases lacrimogenos y Tasers (armas de descarga electrica). Mujeres y ancianos fueron tratados brutalmente sin provocacion alguna. Aun asi la gente se rehuso a irse y mas se les unieron en solidaridad. Las mujeres encabezaron una marcha que obligo a la policia a retorceder hasta que se vieron fuera de tierra Mohawk y dentro de la ciudad de Caledonia. Luego erigieron barricadas que impidieron la entrada a mas vehiculos policiales. Piden apoyo y mediacion internacional.
Los titulos de las tierras que el pueblo de las Seis Naciones se ve obligado a proteger les fueron oficialmente concedidos en 1784 y nunca fueron transferidos a terceros. Canada no tiene ningun derecho a disponer de ellas. Las mujeres que llevan los titulos territoriales demandan el cese de hostilidades y que el gobierno de Canada actue honorablemente y resuelva el conflicto a nivel de Nacion a Nacion.
Para escuchar esta entrevista vaya a http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2006/04/9427.php
Para mas informacion vaya a http://intercontinentalcry.mahost.org/unitytalk/p209-Today.html#p209
O contacte a: Dick Hill 519-865-7722, 519-445-1351; Hazel 519-717-4292, 519-445-0719; Jacqueline House 905-765-9316; thebasketcase@on.aibn.com; Jacqueline_house@hotmail.com.
Dirija peticiones por el respeto a las Seis Naciones a:
Premier of Ontario, PHONE: (416) 325-1941, FAX: (416) 325-3745, email: dalton.mcguinty@premier.gov.on.ca
(cc: mkwinter.mpp@liberal.ola.org)
ONTARIO RCMP, Headquarters, 130 Dufferin Ave, PO Box 3240 Station B, London, ON N6A 4K3, Telephone: 519-640-7267
Hamilton/Niagara Reg Det, STN Main BOX 487,Hamilton L8N 3H8 (905)572-2401
Kingston Det 1000 Gardiners RD 3RD FLR Kingston K7P 3C4, (613)384-7201
Kitchener Det 17 Executive Place Kitchener N2P 2V3, (519) 896-3542
London Det 451 Talbot ST 8TH FLR London N6A 5C9, (519) 645-4329
Sault Ste Marie Det 22 Bay ST Sault Ste Marie P6A 5S2, (705) 941-7267
Sudbury Det 1310 Sparks ST Sudbury P3A 2C8, (705) 671-0645
Thunder Bay Det 21 Archibald ST N Thunder Bay, P7C 3Y3, (807)623-2791
Toronto East Det 415 Baseline RD W BOX 1500 Bowmanville L1C 4V7, (905)697-6000
Toronto West Det 2755 Highpoint Drive Milton L9T 5E8, (905) 876-9500
Toronto Lester B Pearson Airport Det 255 Atwell DR Etobicoke M9W 7G2, (905) 405-3750
Toronto North Det 345 Harry Walker PKY S Newmarket L3Y 8P6 (905) 953-7267
Windsor Det 6080 Riverside DR E Windsor N8S 1B6 (519) 948-5287
Henco Industries Ltd., 128 Highland Blvd. Caledonia Ontario. N3W 2P1
Brant County Community Development: Fax (519) 442-3461
City of Brantford: Fax (519) 759-7840 E-mail: mhancock@brantford.ca
Corporation of Haldimand County: Fax (905) 772-2148 E-mail: mayor@haldimandcounty.on.ca
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace; Dalton McGuinty, Premier. Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto ON M7A 1A1, Dalton.McGuinty@premier.gov.on.ca
Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Government of Canada, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa Canada pm@pm.gc.ca
Ta Shunka Witko Brigade Radio Interview (10 min. 3 sec. includes English original with Spanish translation)
Hazel Hill, of the Wolf Clan of the Mohawk of the Great River Nation tells TWB her first hand account of today’s confrontation with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The OPP launched a raid around 4:30 a.m. EDT this morning to force out Six Nations Clan Mothers, their families, and supporters from continuing to watch over their land to prevent illegal construction by Henco Industries Limited, a US firm.
The police descended on approximately 200 peaceful, unarmed defenders of the land with several large rental vans, their guns drawn, and armed with tear gas and Tasers. Women were roughed up, elders shoved and handcuffed. Nonetheless the people refused to leave and supporters poured in. The women lead a march that forced the police to retreat until they were outside Mohawk land and in the city of Caledonia. Then they erected barricades that kept police vehicles out of their territory. They are asking for continued support and international mediation.
The land that Six Nations people and supporters are being forced to protect from illegal encroachment is on part of the Haldimand tract that was deeded to the Six Nations in 1784 and was never transferred to third parties. Canada has no legal right to dispose of it. The Women Title Holders (Rotinshon’non:we) demand the cessation of the use of force and that Canada act in an honorable way by treating this issue as a Nation to Nation conflict to be resolved in the traditional Rotinshon’non:we process as set out in the Kaianereh’ko:wa.
To listen to this interview go to http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2006/04/9427.php
For more information go to http://intercontinentalcry.mahost.org/unitytalk/p209-Today.html#p209
Or contact: Dick Hill 519-865-7722, 519-445-1351; Hazel 519-717-4292, 519-445-0719; Jacqueline House 905-765-9316;
thebasketcase@on.aibn.com; Jacqueline_house@hotmail.com.
Send or phone messages to stop this attack on the Six Nations people: Premier of Ontario, PHONE: (416) 325-1941, FAX: (416) 325-3745, email: mailto:dalton.mcguinty@premier.gov.on.ca (cc: mkwinter.mpp@liberal.ola.org)ONTARIO RCMP, Headquarters, 130 Dufferin Ave, PO Box 3240 Station B, London, ON N6A 4K3, Telephone: 519-640-7267
Hamilton/Niagara Reg Det, STN Main BOX 487,Hamilton L8N 3H8 (905)572-2401
Kingston Det 1000 Gardiners RD 3RD FLR Kingston K7P 3C4, (613)384-7201
Kitchener Det 17 Executive Place Kitchener N2P 2V3, (519) 896-3542
London Det 451 Talbot ST 8TH FLR London N6A 5C9, (519) 645-4329
Sault Ste Marie Det 22 Bay ST Sault Ste Marie P6A 5S2, (705) 941-7267
Sudbury Det 1310 Sparks ST Sudbury P3A 2C8, (705) 671-0645
Thunder Bay Det 21 Archibald ST N Thunder Bay, P7C 3Y3, (807)623-2791
Toronto East Det 415 Baseline RD W BOX 1500 Bowmanville L1C 4V7, (905)697-6000
Toronto West Det 2755 Highpoint Drive Milton L9T 5E8, (905) 876-9500
Toronto Lester B Pearson Airport Det 255 Atwell DR Etobicoke M9W 7G2, (905) 405-3750
Toronto North Det 345 Harry Walker PKY S Â Â Newmarket L3Y 8P6 (905) 953-7267
Windsor Det 6080 Riverside DR E Windsor N8S 1B6 (519) 948-5287
Henco Industries Ltd., 128 Highland Blvd. Caledonia Ontario. N3W 2P1
Brant County Community Development: Fax (519) 442-3461
City of Brantford: Fax (519) 759-7840
Corporation of Haldimand County: Fax (905) 772-2148
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace; Dalton McGuinty, Premier. Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto ON M7A 1A1, Dalton.McGuinty@premier.gov.on.ca
Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Government of Canada, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa Canada pm@pm.gc.ca
Entrevista en Ingles con traduccion al Español (duracion total 10’ 3’’)
Hazel Hill, del Clan Lobo de la Nacion Mohawk del Great River narra su experiencia durante el ataque de la policia a TWB. La OPP llevo a cabo un asalto a las 4:30 de la madrugada esta mañana para forzar a las matriarcas (quienes en esta Nacion lleavan el titulo de las tierras) y aliados a abandonar sus tierras. Ellas se ven obligadas a proteger las tierras para prevenir su uso ilegal por Henco Industries Limited, una firma estadounidense.
La policia, armas en mano, ataco el pacifico grupo de aproximadamente 200 personas desarmadas con gases lacrimogenos y Tasers (armas de descarga electrica). Mujeres y ancianos fueron tratados brutalmente sin provocacion alguna. Aun asi la gente se rehuso a irse y mas se les unieron en solidaridad. Las mujeres encabezaron una marcha que obligo a la policia a retorceder hasta que se vieron fuera de tierra Mohawk y dentro de la ciudad de Caledonia. Luego erigieron barricadas que impidieron la entrada a mas vehiculos policiales. Piden apoyo y mediacion internacional.
Los titulos de las tierras que el pueblo de las Seis Naciones se ve obligado a proteger les fueron oficialmente concedidos en 1784 y nunca fueron transferidos a terceros. Canada no tiene ningun derecho a disponer de ellas. Las mujeres que llevan los titulos territoriales demandan el cese de hostilidades y que el gobierno de Canada actue honorablemente y resuelva el conflicto a nivel de Nacion a Nacion.
Para escuchar esta entrevista vaya a http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2006/04/9427.php
Para mas informacion vaya a http://intercontinentalcry.mahost.org/unitytalk/p209-Today.html#p209
O contacte a: Dick Hill 519-865-7722, 519-445-1351; Hazel 519-717-4292, 519-445-0719; Jacqueline House 905-765-9316; thebasketcase@on.aibn.com; Jacqueline_house@hotmail.com.
Dirija peticiones por el respeto a las Seis Naciones a:
Premier of Ontario, PHONE: (416) 325-1941, FAX: (416) 325-3745, email: dalton.mcguinty@premier.gov.on.ca
(cc: mkwinter.mpp@liberal.ola.org)
ONTARIO RCMP, Headquarters, 130 Dufferin Ave, PO Box 3240 Station B, London, ON N6A 4K3, Telephone: 519-640-7267
Hamilton/Niagara Reg Det, STN Main BOX 487,Hamilton L8N 3H8 (905)572-2401
Kingston Det 1000 Gardiners RD 3RD FLR Kingston K7P 3C4, (613)384-7201
Kitchener Det 17 Executive Place Kitchener N2P 2V3, (519) 896-3542
London Det 451 Talbot ST 8TH FLR London N6A 5C9, (519) 645-4329
Sault Ste Marie Det 22 Bay ST Sault Ste Marie P6A 5S2, (705) 941-7267
Sudbury Det 1310 Sparks ST Sudbury P3A 2C8, (705) 671-0645
Thunder Bay Det 21 Archibald ST N Thunder Bay, P7C 3Y3, (807)623-2791
Toronto East Det 415 Baseline RD W BOX 1500 Bowmanville L1C 4V7, (905)697-6000
Toronto West Det 2755 Highpoint Drive Milton L9T 5E8, (905) 876-9500
Toronto Lester B Pearson Airport Det 255 Atwell DR Etobicoke M9W 7G2, (905) 405-3750
Toronto North Det 345 Harry Walker PKY S Newmarket L3Y 8P6 (905) 953-7267
Windsor Det 6080 Riverside DR E Windsor N8S 1B6 (519) 948-5287
Henco Industries Ltd., 128 Highland Blvd. Caledonia Ontario. N3W 2P1
Brant County Community Development: Fax (519) 442-3461
City of Brantford: Fax (519) 759-7840 E-mail: mhancock@brantford.ca
Corporation of Haldimand County: Fax (905) 772-2148 E-mail: mayor@haldimandcounty.on.ca
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace; Dalton McGuinty, Premier. Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto ON M7A 1A1, Dalton.McGuinty@premier.gov.on.ca
Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Government of Canada, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa Canada pm@pm.gc.ca
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