Friday, February 17, 2006



The Tashunka Witko Brigade reporting on the ground from indigenous rebel territory under siege in Mexico

Radio Essay in English followed by translation in Spanish (total duration: 31 minutes 45 seconds)

Description: Poignant commentary by Lakota warrior and Tashunka Witko Brigade co-host Wanbli Watakpe on the wall that separates what is colonially known as Mexico and the United States. “As an indigenous person I belong in both sides of this wall, this border drawn by the colonial empires”, he proclaims and adds “…the wall is an insulting aberration, it is like an erection in mother earth that is not wanted, it is not a natural thing, it is forced, a rape, a violation. It is violent, it represents violence in its ugliest form. It is a separation, an isolation, a canonization of a racist policy…Not only does it run down to the ocean but it will extend 500 feet out into the water so that even the dolphin people cannot get back and forth as they cruise up and down the beach… There are 24-7 helicopters in the air doing surveillance. The wall runs down to the beach and along the highway on the Tijuana side. There is actually 3 walls… In between the third and first wall there’s a couple of miles of “buffer” space considered “no man’s land” and that’s where the patrols are, where the colonial military and border agents sit… it is a DMZ, not a border… we do not have a border there, we have a DMZ with military sensors, military machinery and implements, a war zone…” We open this essay with a prayer in Mayo language by our compa Raul Buitimea and music by Quetzalcoatl, the closing song is “Maldicion de Malinche” by Amparo Ochoa.

To listen to this program go to

La Brigada Tashunka Witko transmitiendo desde territorio rebelde indigena bajo sitio en Mexico

Ensayo radial en ingles con traduccion al español (duracion total: 31 minutos 45 segundos)

Descripcion: Comentario de Wanbli Watakpe, guerrero Lakota y co-presentador de la Brigada Tashunka Witko, sobre el muro que divide los territorios colonialmente denominados Mexico y Estados Unidos. “Como indigena, pertenezco en los dos lados de este muro, esta frontera marcada por los imperios coloniales”, proclama Wanbli Watakpe y agrega “…Este muro es como una ereccion forzada en la madre tierra, algo no natural, una violacion, es violento, representa la violencia en su forma mas aborrecible, es una separacion, aislamiento, y la canonizacion de una politica racista… Y no solo llega hasta el mar sino que se va a extender 500 pies dentro del mar y hasta los delfines van a tener que lidiar con este obstaculo. Hay helicopteros patrullando las 24 horas del dia todos los dias. El muro va desde la playa a lo largo de la ruta al lado de Tijuana, y en realidad hay 3 muros…Entre estos muros se encuentra “la tierra de nadie” donde el ejercito colonial y agentes fronterizos patrullan. Esto no es una frontera, es una zona militarizada, con sensores, maquinaria, e implementos militares, un territorio en guerra.” Abrimos este ensayo con una bendicion en idioma Mayo por el compañero Raul Buitimea y musica de Quetzalcoatl. La cancion del final es “Maldicion de Malinche” por Amparo Ochoa.

Para escuchar este programa ve a



Summary: This Tashunka Witko Brigade radio program is in English and Spanish and features an interview with the organizer of the upcoming Ceremonial Run for Indigenous Dignity in Baja California. This run is part of the efforts to fulfill the prophecy of the condor and the eagle to unite all indigenous peoples.Featuring: Interview of “Greñas” Raul Buitimea by DJ Tanya, Tashunka Witko Brigade.“Greñas” Raul Buitimea, of the Mayo Nation, is one of the coordinators of the Ceremonial Run for Indigenous Dignity in Baja California, Mexico. In this interview he invites all indigenous people from North and South to participate in this run and tells us details about the run, its history and objectives. This run is part of the efforts to fulfill the prophecy of the condor and the eagle and unite all indigenous nations. It will open with traditional nahua ceremonies on February 24th, in honor of the birth and death day of Cuauhtemoc, the great Aztec warrior. The run itself leaves from Tijuana on February 26th, passes through 17 indigenous communities, several traditional ceremonial centers, and will last 2 weeks. Many of the indigenous communities in what today is known as Baja California are extremely isolated and marginalized, and some are at the brink of completely losing their language and integrity as nations. Some of the objectives of this run are to find out, record and make public the conditions in which these communities live and any demands they may have. The group will travel with a radio that will be installed in the communities ahead of the runners, this radio will transmit indigenous programming including: reports on the struggle of other indigenous peoples throughout the continent, ceremonies, stories, literature, medicine, and history of indigenous peoples, as well as environmental, children’s and women’s rights programs. This interview ends with Greñas’ account of his people’s history and current situation.

To listen to this program go to

Some specific areas of the run in need of support:
• Promotion of event.
• Sound system for the February 25th event.
• Food for the people attending the February 25th event.
• Transportation for runners and dancers from Sonora to Tijuana.
• Cars and gas to transport medicine, blankets, backpacks for the run.
• Radio transmission equipment and walky-talkies.

For more information visit,/ write to (Español), (English), or call 011-52-664-622-4269 (from the US), 664-622-4269 (within Mexico) to leave a message.

Resumen: Este programa de radio de la Brigada Tashunka Witko esta en ingles y español. Presenta una entrevista con uno de los coordinadores de la Carrera Ceremonial para la Dignidad Indigena que incluye la invitacion a participar, detalles sobre la carrera, su historia y objetivos.Con: “Greñas” Raul Buitimea y DJ Tanya, de la Brigada Tashunka Witko.“Greñas” Raul Buitimea, del pueblo Mayo, es uno de los coordinadores de la Carrera Ceremonial para la Dignidad Indigena a realizarse en Baja California. En esta entrevista el invita a toda la gente indigena de Norte y Sur a participar en la carrera, y nos cuenta detalles sobre esta, su historia y objetivos. Esta carrera es parte del trabajo que se esta haciendo para hacer realidad la profecia del aguila y el condor y unificar todos los pueblos indigenas. Las ceremonias comenzaran el 24 de Febrero con la velacion y ceremonias en honor al Tata Cuauhtemoc, el gran guerrero azteca. La carrera empieza el 26 de Febrero, pasa por 17 comunidades indigenas, varios centros ceremoniales, y dura 2 semanas. Muchas de las comunidades indigenas de lo que hoy se conoce como Baja California, estan muy aisladas y marginalizadas, y algunas corren el riesgo de perder su idioma e integridad, y desaparecer como pueblos. Algunos objetivos de esta carrera son: aprender, tomar nota y hacer publicas las condiciones y demandas de estas comunidades. El grupo viajara con una radio que sera instalada en las comunidades por las que pasara la carrera. Esta radio transmitira programas indigenas que incluiran: reportes sobre la lucha de comunidades indigenas de todo el continente, ceremonias, cuentos, literatura, medicina, e historia de pueblos indigenas, y tambien programas para niños, sobre los derechos de la mujer y sobre el medio ambiente. Esta entrevista termina con una platica con Greñas sobre la historia y situacion actual de su pueblo.

Para escuchar este programa ve a

Algunas areas de la carrera que necesitan tu apoyo:
• Promocion del evento.
• Sistema de sonido para el evento del 25 de Febrero.
• Comida para la gente que asista el evento del 25 de Febrero.
• Transporte para quienes corran y dancen de Sonora a Tijuana.
• Carros y gasolina para llevar medicamentos, frazadas, mochilas para la carrera.
• Equipo de transmission de radio y walky-talkies.

Para mas informacion, visita,/ escribe a (Español), (English), o llama al 011-52-664-622-4269 (desde USA), 664-622-4269 (en Mexico) para dejar un mensaje.

REPRESSION IN MEXICO ALERT! Defender of indigenous workers’ rights fears for his safety - Alerta! Represion en Mexico – Se teme por la seguridad de de

FEATURING: Interview of Martín Barrios Hernández, President of the Human and Labor Rights Commission of Tehuacán Valley by DJ Tanya, Tashunka Witko Brigade.

DESCRIPTION: Martín Barrios Hernández, the President of the Human and Labor Rights Commission of Tehuacán Valley (Comisión de Derechos Humanos y Laborales del Valle de Tehuacán), was detained on 29 December on fabricated charges of blackmail. This move was brought on by the alliance between the government and the maquila (sweat shops) owners in order to deter him from carrying out his human rights work on behalf of the mostly indigenous maquila workers. His recent release came about after intense national and international pressure. However, there is still reason to believe his safety and that of his family might be at risk. Listen to the interview for details on his case (and the similar case of journalist Lydia Cacho), working conditions of the maquila workers in Puebla, Martin’s and the Commission’s work on their behalf, and their wish for the US consumers to pressure the corporations to respect workers’ rights and the environment. The manufacture of your jeans by The Gap, The Limited, Abercrombie, Levi’s and many other clothing corporations is done by indigenous hands that endure dismal working conditions, sexual harassment, low wages, and no independent union representation. These corporations also have total disregard for the environment, the process to make jeans contaminates the waters of the Tehuacan Valley. Please do your part to affect change.
To listen to this program go to


In the Martin Barrios Hernandez case please send appeals to the authorities listed below as quickly as possible:
- calling on the authorities to take steps to guarantee the safety of Martin Barrios Hernandez and other members of the Human and Labor Rights Commission of Tehuacán Valley, according to their wishes, following his release on 12 January;
- calling on the authorities to carry out an independent and impartial investigation into his prosecution and the alleged fabrication of charges against him, and for the results to be made public;
- reminding the authorities that the UN Declaration on the Rights and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms recognizes the legitimacy of the activities of human rights defenders, and their right to carry out their activities without any restrictions or fear of reprisals.
State Governor of Puebla:Lic. Martio Marin TorresGobernador del Estado de Puebla14 Oriente, No. 1006, Colonia El AltoPuebla, México Fax: 011 52 222 213 8805
Salutation: Dear Governor/ Estimado Gobernador

Attorney General of Puebla:
Maestra Blanca Laura Villeda Martínez
Procuradora General de Justicia del Estado de Puebla
Boulevard 5 de mayo y 31 Oriente, Colonia Ladrillera de Benitez, Puebla, Puebla, CP 72539, Mexico
Fax: 011 52 222 240 8105E-mail:
Salutation: Dear Attorney General/Estimada Procuradora

Director of Human Rights – Interior Ministry:
Dr. Ricardo Sepúlveda
Secretaría de Gobernación
Reforma 99, PISO 21, PH, Colonia Tabacalera, C.P. 06030
México D.F. México
Fax: 011 52 55 51 28 02 34 (if someone answers say: "tono de fax, por favor")
Salutation: Dear Sir/Estimado Doctor

Human rights organization:
Comisión de Derechos Humanos y Laborales del Valle de Tehuacán
Boulevard Heroe de Nacozary 210,Colonia Zaragoza, Tehuacan C.P. 75770 Puebla, Mexico

Human rights organization:
Centro de Derechos Humanos "Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez" A.C., (PRODH)Serapio Rendon 57-B, Col. San Rafael06470,
México D.F. Mexico

Ambassador Carlos Alberto De Icaza Gonzalez
Embassy of Mexico
1911 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington DC 20006
Fax: 1 202 728 1698

CON: Martín Barrios Hernández, Presidente de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos y Laborales del Valle de Tehuacán y DJ Tanya, de la Brigada Tashunka Witko.

DESCRIPCION: Martín Barrios Hernández, Presidente de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos y Laborales del Valle de Tehuacán fue detenido el 29 de Diciembre bajo falsas acusaciones de chantaje. Esta accion resulto de la alianza entre el gobierno y los dueños de las maquilas con el objetivo de amedrentar su trabajo para mejorar las condiciones de trabajo de los y las trabajadoras, mayormente indigenas, en las maquilas. Su reciente puesta en libertad fue resultado de intensa presion nacional e internacional. Pero aun hay razon para temer por su seguridad, la de su familia, y la de los otros miembros de la Comision. Escucha esta entrevista para enterarte sobre los detalles de su caso (y del caso similar de la periodista Lydia Cacho), las condiciones de trabajo de las y los trabajadores de maquila en Puebla, el trabajo de Martin y la Comision, y su pedido a los consumidores the USA para que presionen a las empresas a que respeten los derechos de los trabajadores y el medio ambiente. Tus jeans de The Gap, The Limited, Abercrombie, Levi’s, y muchas otras marcas son hechos por manos indigenas que toleran pesimas condiciones de trabajo, acoso sexual, bajos salarios, y carecen de representacion sindical independiente. Estas empresas tambien abusan el medio ambiente; el proceso usado para hacer la mezclilla (la tela de jeans) contamina las aguas del valle de Tehuacan. Por favor haz tu parte para promover los cambios necesarios.

Para escuchar este programa ve a

PEDIDO DE LA COMISION DE DERECHOS HUMANOS Y LABORALES DEL VALLE DE TEHUACAN:Tememos mucho por la seguridad de Martin, la de los miembros de la Comisión (Rodrigo Santiago, Gastón de la Luz) y también por las familias. Ante esto,les pedimos envíen una acción urgente pidiendo a las autoridades listadas mas abajo:
- La seguridad para Martín Amaru Barrios Hernández, los miembros de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Valle de Tehuacán y sus familias.
- Que se respeten los derechos que tienen los defensores de derechos humanos a realizar su labor, sin restricciones y represalias.

Lic. Mario Marin TorresGobernador del Estado de Puebla14 Oriente, No. 1006, Colonia El AltoPuebla, México Fax: 011 52 222 213 8805
Saludos/ Estimado Gobernador

Maestra Blanca Laura Villeda Martínez
Procuradora General de Justicia del Estado de Puebla
Boulevard 5 de mayo y 31 Oriente, Colonia Ladrillera de Benitez, Puebla, Puebla, CP 72539, Mexico
Fax: 011 52 222 240 8105
Saludos: Estimada Procuradora

Dr. Ricardo Sepúlveda
Secretaría de Gobernación
Reforma 99, PISO 21, PH, Colonia Tabacalera, C.P. 06030
México D.F. México
Fax: 011 52 55 51 28 02 34 /
Estimado Doctor

Comisión de Derechos Humanos y Laborales del Valle de Tehuacán Boulevard Heroe de Nacozary 210,Colonia Zaragoza, Tehuacan C.P. 75770 Puebla, Mexico

Centro de Derechos Humanos "Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez" A.C., (PRODH)Serapio Rendon 57-B, Col. San Rafael06470, México D.F. Mexico

Connecting the Struggles – The Irish and the Indigenous struggles

Featuring: Ruth Taillon, Irish socialist feminist historianRuth Taillon's over 30 years of struggle for political, economic and social justice, and women's rights, started around the time she joined the indigenous fight against the extradition of Leonard Peltier in Canada, before she moved to Ireland. Since then she has researched and written extensively on social policy and gender equality issues and the women's movement in Northern Ireland. She has a strong interest in women's history, and is a founding member of the Mary Ann McCracken Historical Society and author of When History Was Made: The Women of 1916. She works tirelessly to make community-based peacebuilding in Ireland a reality and to ensure economic disadvantage, social exclusion and marginalization of the Irish people are addressed as part of the peace process.In this interview, Ruth talks with co-host Wanbli Watakpe about many issues parallel to both the Irish and Indigenous struggles for self-determination: protection of sacred sites (the ancient site of the Hill of Tara and Skryne Valley at the very center of Ireland, and sacred Bear Butte in South Dakota are both threatened by urban development), environmental oppression (Shell Oil’s plan to build a high pressure gas line through the Rossport community in Ireland), threats to traditional culture, and informers in the movements. In addition, she gives a unique look at Leonard Peltier’s struggle for freedom by talking about the rarely mentioned year he spent behind bars in Canada prior to his extradition, and how that struggle ignited the Native movement in Canada and raised many people’s consciousness. She ends by recalling Bobby Sands, the hunger strike that ended his life and the life of nine other heroes of the Irish struggle, and how that sacrifice laid the groundwork for the current peace process.

To listen to this show click on the following link:

For more information on the movement to protect the ancient site of the Hill of Tara and Skryne Valley visit .

To find out about the Shell Oil high pressure pipeline through Rossport and the five men imprisoned for fighting it visit

For more information on the Gathering of Nations to Defend Bear Butte or the Inter-Tribal Coalition to Defend Bear Butte visit or contact: Carter Camp at, Debra White Plume at 605-455-2155, or Vic Camp at 605-455-1122.

The Gathering of Nations to Defend Bear Butte - Conversation with Carter Camp

Featuring: Carter Camp, Ponca Nation, AIM; Wanbli Watakpe, Tashunka Witko Brigade.

Part 1: Carter Camp is the only member of the old AIM leadership that fought shoulder to shoulder with the warriors facing the invader army at Wounded Knee. He is now involved in the effort to save sacred Bear Butte. In this interview by Wanbli Watakpe, Carter talks about Leonard Peltier, the urgent movement to protect Bear Butte, Native youth organizing, American myth making and perpetuation (Lewis & Clark commemoration farce, National Museum of American Indians, etc.), US wars and imperialism, the global indigenous movement, tribal government, the Lakota hemp project and much more.
Part 2: Co-host Wanbli Watakpe wraps up the program with his commentary and a reading from The Road to Martyrs’ Square by Anne Marie Oliver and Paul Steinberg. Co-host Tanya closes with a tribute to Comandante Ramona of the EZLN who passed on to the spirit world 1-6-2006.

To listen to this show visit the following links: or

For more information on the Gathering of Nations to Defend Bear Butte or the Inter-Tribal Coalition to Defend Bear Butte visit or contact: Carter Camp at, Debra White Plume at 605-455-2155, or Vic Camp at 605-455-1122.

2005 Indigenous Revolutionary Overview - Vistazo Revolucionario Indigena del 2005

Featuring: Richard Broken Nose, of the Oglala Lakota Nation; Prof. J of Clajadep-La Haine, Santiago, Chile; Wanbli Watakpe, Tashunka Witko Brigade.

Part 1: Selections from the 2000 New Year's Omaka Teca Wacipi, Oglala, Lakota Nation. New Year’s prayer by Oglala Lakota spiritual leader Richard Broken Nose, New Year’s countdown and round dance with the community, song by Crazy Horse singers.Beginning of interview of “Prof. J”. Professor Jaime Yovanovic Prieto has recently returned to Chile, his country of birth, after a long exile of twenty years that started during the brutal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. He has participated in the struggle for justice for over three decades, he studied law in Cuba, worked at the Central Municipality of Havana, taught law, philosophy and logic in Brazil, and worked as a consultant for the government of Mozambique. In the first part of this interview he summarizes his analysis of the end of 2005 as the beginning of a new cycle, the transition from resistance to construction.
Part 2: Prof J gives an overview of the numerous foci of uprising among indigenous peoples throughout the continent known as South and Central America, he also touches on new ways of teaching and learning that do not adhere to the toxic pedagogy of Western culture. Co-host Wanbli Watakpe wraps up the program with a reading about indigenous mine workers in Bolivia, from Indian Givers by Jack Weatherford, and his always thought provoking commentary.

To listen to this show visit the following link

For more information on the Clajadep-LaHaine network and analysis by Prof. J visit

Con: Richard Broken Nose, de la Nacion Oglala-Lakota; Prof. J de Clajadep-La Haine; Wanbli Watakpe, de la Brigada Tashunka Witko.

1ra Parte: Selecciones del Omaka Teca Wacipi de Año Nuevo 2000, en la nacion Oglala Lakota. Oracion de Año Nuevo por Richard Broken Nose, lider spiritual de los Oglala Lakota, cuenta de Año Nuevo y danza redonda con la comunidad, cancion por el grupo Crazy Horse.Comienzo de la entrevista con el “Prof. J”. El Profesor Jaime Yovanovic Prieto retorno recientemente a su Chile, despues de veinte años de exilio que comenzo durante la brutal dictadura de Augusto Pinochet. Ha participado en la lucha por la justicia durante tres decadas, estudio Derecho en Cuba, trabajo en el Muncipio Centro Habana, enseño leyes, filosofia y logica en Brasil, y asesoro al gobierno de Mozambique. En la primera parte de esta entrevista, el Prof. J resume su analisis del año 2005 visto como el inicio de un nuevo ciclo, la transicion de la resistencia a la construccion.
2da Parte: Prof. J nos da un vistazo de los numerosos focos de insurgencia entre los pueblos originarios del continente conocido como Sud y Centro America, y tambien habla de diferentes maneras de aprender y enseñar que no se adhieren a la pedagogia toxica occidental. Wanbli Watakpe termina el programa con una lectura sobre los mineros indigenas Bolivianos del libro Indian Givers de Jack Weatherford, y su siempre elocuente comentario.

Para escuchar este programa visita el siguiente enlace

Para mas informacion sobre la red Clajadep-LaHaine y analisis por el Prof. J visite


This program features two interviews: an interview of Pio Celestino, (of the Refugio de Rio Grande), Mochica of Peru, in Part 1; an interview of Fernando Rada Arteaga (of the 21 de junio Aymara/Quechua community in La Paz, Bolivia), and commentary by Wanbli Watakpe in Part 2.

To listen to this program please visit

Este programa contiene dos entrevistas de lideres indigenas de Bolivia y Peru compartiendo sus pensamientos con respecto a la victoria de Evo Morales.La primera parte contiene una entrevista a Pio Celestino, Mochica de Peru, del Refugio del Rio Grande, y la segunda parte contiene una entrevista a Fernando Rada Arteaga, de la comunidad Aymara/ Quechua de La Paz, Bolivia, "21 de Junio", y comentario de Wanbli Watakpe.

Para escuchar este programa visite el siguiente enlace

Program description:Part 1 of this show features an interview by co-host Tanya of Omar Sierra, 1st Consul of Venezuela, talking about reaction to the election in Bolivia of indigenous candidate Evo Morales, the Bolivarian Revolution and how it affects indigenous peoples in Venezuela. Part 2 features commentary by co-host Wanbli Watakpe and cameo by Lakota elder Philomine Blacksmith Lakota, descendant of Black Elk and Sitting Bull and defender of the traditional societies and Lakota culture.

To hear our program please visit the following link:

ELDERS OF PINE RIDGE: Philomine Blacksmith Lakota and Roselyn Jumping Bull

This program features two amazing grandmas from Pine Ridge: Philomine Blacksmith Lakota and Roselyn Jumping Bull (author of the cake on the photograph baked for the 30th Annual Conmemoration of the "Incident at Oglala"), talking about indigenous identity, traditional Societies, their personal accounts of the infamous incident at Oglala that resulted in the murder of Joseph Stuntz and imprisonment of Leonard Peltier, and the needs of today as the harsh South Dakota winter is already bringing its second blizzard. Part 2 of this show features the end of the interview of Roselyn Jumping Bull and commentary by co-hosts Tanya and Wanbli Watakpe. Wanbli Watakpe is an indigenous warrior with 35 years of action on behalf of the indigenous peoples, commander of the Little California Bunker at Wounded Knee, founder of Northern CA AIM and member of NW AIM with Jim and Steve Robideau and Leonard Peltier. His commentary is focused on indigenous liberation; it is always passionate and often controversial.

Part 1
Part 2